Top and pants: from Isabel, Beret: H&M, Scarf: gift from Dad, FOMS (fake TOMS): Heartbreaker
So I had Maddie take my outfit photos today, therefore I also took a picture of her so you can all see for the kajillionth time what my best friend looks like. When I asked her if I could take her picture for the blog she replied with "Oh so all those fashion-ey people can see my ratchet-sweatpants-Jesus look?" Yes, my dear, those fabulous outfit descriptions are precisely why I want to feature you :) For the record though she really does have great style, there are plenty of awesome pieces I've worn in these posts that have been borrowed from her closet, she just succumbs to the general high school laziness that every functioning teenager is afflicted with on a daily basis. Either way, she still looks cute!

Now that the musical is over (it went awesomely, by the way!) I finally have all this free time on my hands. I'm going to spend time studying for my AP exam (it's on the 17th!), practicing for my driver's test, spending time with my friends, and rekindling my creative brain. AHHH SUMMER HOW I LONG FOR THEE! It'll be here soon.
In other news, in a week or so I'll either be cutting my hair like this:
Or like Kate Micucci of Garfunkel&Oates/Raising Hope/Scrubs fame:
I tried the whole long hair thing this year, partially because it's easier as an actress to get roles with longer hair but mostly just because I haven't been bothered to cut it, and I've learned that it simply is not for me. I'll always be a short hair girl, and it's time to return to those ways. When I'm off to college and won't be acting as much I'll go full-out pixie cut, but right now I need at least a little bit of curlable length. Expect plenty of photos!
ALSO, more excitement, I've recently been informed that my school's band will be taking our next trip this coming October and guess where it'll be? Boston and NEW YORK!! Unfortunately, being that it's this fall rather than next summer which we expected, that doesn't give us much time to raise funds. I'm going to try to go out job-hunting on Saturday to start making money, and I'll hopefully be working at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival starting in August! Ahh, the rest of this year is looking great! I guess there is a huge plus-side to the trip timing, I get to visit the Empire State before the world ends! ;D
Peace kids, it's great to be back