Monday, March 26, 2012

So funny story haha.......

So I basically hate blogger now because of this. Since I've already built up a base here, however, it's hard to pick up and move to a new hosting website. I guess I don't know much about blogger, and I haven't really taken the time to look into the whole struggle so I'm not entirely sure if there's a way to do this without paying. Oh! Yes! I didn't even tell you the story yet. Essentially, I filled up my picasa memory (picasa is the picture hosting site, yada yada yada) and now I can't post any pictures without either (to my knowledge):

A. Paying for more storage


B. Deleting old photos from picasa, which, yes, would delete them from my blog

Since the latter just doesn't resonate well with me, because I believe I have some really good old stuff in the archives, right now it appears my only option is A. Does anyone know a free fix to this?? If not that's fine, I think its only 5 or so dollars and I'll hopefully purchase the storage and be back up and running in no time (don't worry, I have plenty outfits-of-the day waiting to be uploaded) but it would be nice not to have to spend any money, regardless of how cheap it is. So if you know another way let me know, and if there is no other way then I'll try and be back up and blogging by spring break, which is next week. Thanks for putting up with this shenanigans. I'm so glad I haven't lost any followers through all this. And spring is coming too, and I always get more creative in the warmer months. Be prepared for a return of the Charlie at any moment!
Bye all
Peace, love, and basketball (as my hilarious best friend says jokingly every time we part)

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Sorry for not posting regularly.

I've been too addicted to my tumblr.

It's the lazy fashion blogger's heaven.

But I'm turning sixteen on Sunday!

Which means money.

Which means more clothes.

Which means I'll be back soon.

Don't miss me too much.

And if you get lonely: