Friday, August 26, 2011

Mental dump of lazy day awesomness

The critics hate, but Charlie likes :3

I'm quite excited actually! I've always been a fan. I'm redecorating my room so I think I'm gonna get myself one of those pillows come September. The best part? It will go with absolutely NOTHING I own :D

Ice cube trays?!?!?!!? DO WANT!

My style/writing/life icon: Lesley Arfin

I FINALLY went out and got myself this shirt. I love being politically active about things I care about. Just fucking love it.

Jeff Soto is my current favorite artist

That's my mental dump of today....hope you all enjoyed the color. Out. 

Oh wait, one last thing:

A hot dog and a farmer cop always buy the best hookers. 
Oh the good times I share with my friends on summer nights.
(if you don't know, I'm the one in the red)



  1. I agree. You seem like someone I could agree with often c:

  2. Couldnt agree more. Hey look! we agreed :D
