Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Currently watching the Glee Christmas special.....

Alligator shirt: from Maddie, Beret: H&M, Scarf: thrifted, Pants: Old Navy, Foxtail: Minnesota Rennaisance Festival, Shoes: Chuck Taylor, Sunglasses: DIY

Sorry I haven't been posting as often, I'm crazy busy with school, theatre, and Christmas related things. I'll try to post more over winter break (though I can't guarantee I'll be dressing very well, hehe). Other than that I don't have too much to say, have a good final few days of school!

Oh yeah, I'm also going on a field trip to see Les Mis on Thursday! I love being an honors English student.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Weather Outside is Frightful

There's something about winter that always manages to break my creative shield and flip on the "fashion laziness" switch at the center of my brain. Until I have a collection of gem sweaters that measures up next to Leslie Hall's, I just don't know if I'll be able to post outfits on a regular basis (I suppose this year AP World History had a big hand in flipping that switch too). Maybe Christmas will stock me up again and keep me inspired! Until then, though, I'll keep you entertained with fun things about my actual life outside of fashion (except my life is BORING. BLAAAAH). Well if you haven't gathered it from the title, it's getting cold up here. Last winter didn't end til, oh, May? Yep. Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Lakes, my friends, where the lakes are frozen over more often than not. I got up reeeeaaaally early this morning too, because I'm a nerd and wanted to see the partial lunar eclipse (once again, just partial because I live in the great American ice cap). Anywho, now I'm awake, and, in my humble opinion, long overdue for a blog post. My friends and I made the courageous (and perhaps controversial) decision to actually make an effort to ENJOY the snow this year, opposed to sitting inside complaining about it as with year's past. Here's a photoshoot from our first night in Winter Wonderland! Luckily, Maddie has this awesome waterproof digital camera. Raymond and Aleah walked all the way to my house while the snow was still coming down, and since they're both not an inch over 5 feet, I made the decision that they looked like Christmas elves when they walked up to my door :D

Also, if you're familiar with B-movie horror (I consider myself an expert on the subject at this point), I'm sure you'd be familiar with the movie Frozen. Seeing as it was pretty frozen up in this joint as well, we decided to remake the movie! Unfortunately we didn't have access to a chairlift, but we made do

On another note, I'm entering the Fashion Turd's birthday giveaway, so here's my link to the post: Birthday Giveaway Post

Also, I got PLANT #2 in the mail yesterday and I absolutely devoured it! Thanks Isabel!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I need to buy some new fashion reading material, I'm unable to read blogs in class

I'd like to say I've always been the creative type. I also have always been the type to enjoy pouring my heart into the ears of other people. Well, I guess in this case, the eyes. Making websites and blogs has always been a fun outlet of expression for me, and I hope to continue to keep up this blog as long as I'm still dressing weird and kickin' up words. Lately, though, I've been slightly stressed over HoneyDew. It doesn't feel like the layout really suits my rapidly changing personality anymore, and if I'm being represented online by this thing I want it to 100% represent who I am. That being said, I whipped up a few new logos on Photoshop recently and when I get the time (blah it's soooooo hard with theatre and school!) I'll hopefully be able to remodel! Let me know if you have any ideas that you think would be cool for me to try. Oh, also, I'm ashamed to say that I'm caving in and conforming to the blogosphere. Yes, that's right, after being completely and utterly obsessed with scanning through Tumblrs and saving every picture I find appealing, I hope to be creating one of those soon too. Agh!! Look at me! Soon I'll have a Twitter too! No......willpower.......I'll just keep telling myself that I need way more than 160 characters to express my thoughts. (Thank you, Blogger, for giving me limitless power!! MWAHAHAHA!!!)

Anywho, pictures!

Considering that as of right now 4/5 days of my school week I leave when it's still dark and get home when it's dark, you may regrettably be getting quite a few mirror pictures. (Explanation: I'm too much of a chicken to take them at school and there's no good place in my house to set up a tripod) Oh well, it's the clothes that count, right?

Dress: Delia's, Top: H&M, Black skirt: thrifted, Hair clip: gift, Scarf: gift from my dad, Necklace: Etsy, Combat boots: thrifted

 (Hahahahahaha I asked my mom to take this picture in the morning before I went to school. It's tiny and the flash lets you see right through my shirt to the dress underneath. Oh well, thought I may as well include it!)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

This Post Has No Purpose

Apologies for going M.I.A. as of recently. Winter hit here for a few days, then disappeared. Other than that, though, I had a swell thanksgiving complete with too much pie and me whining about not having anybody to take me Black Friday shopping at H&M. Unfortunately, because of Thanksgiving break, I've been rather slacking on my outfits so I've got nothing for you guys right now. Actually, despite what the title says, this post DOES have a purpose. That purpose being that I realized today that I hadn't yet claimed my blog on Bloglovin' and decided that I should probably get on that and hopefully get some followers on there as well. Alright, here goes:

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/3048140/honeydew?claim=mzryfejc3rt">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Hurray! Now will it work? I guess we'll have to wait to find out. Seeing as this post was rather boring and purposeless(again, there I go saying it has no purpose!) I would hate for someone to think it's part of my usual work. So....umm.....here's some music!

Oh yeah, I also saw the Descendants yesterday!
It was like a personal soul quest for me within a film.
Go see it.

Bye now.

I'll post more fashion soon.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

My closet is exploding yet I have nothing to wear

I am in the midst of a style rut, my friends. I desperately desire to loose myself within the depths of Value Village and seize all of their kookiest items in hopes that it would cure me of this fatal disease. Alas, though, I am but a jobless fifteen year old living from the scraps of her babysitting money.

I know, I know. Silly me. There are plenty more imporant things than fashion that I should be concerning myself with at the moment(Like.....um.....school, maybe?), yet I just can't help but losing myself in frivolous occupations. They do say though that the better you look, the better you feel. True story bro.


Bandana: vintage, Scarf: thrifted, Shirt: thrifted, Skirt: Target, Leggings: Old Navy, Leg warmers: gift, Combat boots: thrifted

Oh by the way, I got into the One Act again this year!(yay! theatre!)

Also, I checked this book out from the library today and I'm frickin excited to read it cover to cover!

(sorry for the sideways)

One more thing, have you witnessed Herman Cain's latest interview about Libya? These people make me sad. Yet they're so funny.


Monday, November 14, 2011

The greatest crazies are the ones around you

Yesterday, I finally got downtown to check out an art exhibit I've been wanting to see since I read about it in the local newspaper: the St. Paul College of Visual Arts was displaying a compilation of the works of Minnesota women in the field of graphic design and advertising. Being a female arteest myself, I simply had to go take a peak. Unfortunately, the exhibit ended yesterday, or I would urge all you locals to go have a look. But here are some pictures, almost as good as the real thing!

The pictures took about two hours to upload, hopefully they were worth it.
Now time to tackle my miserably complex French homework.
Also, after all this hype about the Hunger Games I've finally decided to check out the series for myself.
I have book ADD though. So we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

They should really send me to Oddball Academy

AC/DC t-shirt: gift from my dad, Pants: Delia's, Bandana: vintage, Knockoff Keds: Target

One of the reasons I wore this outfit was because I thought it would provide a funny contrast, I was supposed to read a poem I wrote aloud to my English class this morning and this particular poem is all sweet and fluffy. Perfect juxtaposition to my inner punk. But, as it happened, I left my backpack in my advisory class the hour before English. DON'T EVEN ASK ME HOW. But I did. My advisor also happens to be one of the school social workers, meaning that when she's not teaching our class she's out patrolling the hallways. So of course the door to her classroom was locked and I ended up having to track my backpack down instead of reading my poem. I'm reading it tomorrow but still.....UGH. Not a good way to begin the school day.

Anywho, back to the outfit. My dad brought me the shirt from an AC/DC concert he went to a few years back. I'm not as big a fan as he is, but their songs totally get me pumped and rocking. Classic rock never dies, in my book. These are probably the coolest and most comfortable pants I own, when I saw them in the Delia's catalog I ordered them right away. In a way, they're relics from my "scene kid" days, but along with a lot of those clothes I still find them awesome today (though thankfully I've become way more original in my choice of attire).

So for French, we're currently at work on an awesome project that involves creating a fashion tv show of some sort. My teacher has a dress-up box in her classroom (I know right?!), and today she brought in a bag of whacky clothes to add to it, so of course instead of writing out the script like we were supposed to, my group had a photoshoot in the costumes......

Featuring Molly and Dan, in all their glory
Also I really really really REALLY wanted to steal that floral blazer and fruit sweater
But I love my French class. So I didn't.

Tomorrow is 11/11/11, and I still have no idea what to wish for.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Here's to starting the school week on a tuesday

Tank dress: thrifted, Beret: H&M, Scarf: gift from my dad, Jeggings: H&M, Betsey Johnson jelly sandals: thrifted

I'm going to go right ahead and ask my digital self what the hell I'm doing in the first picture...seriously Charlie?! Are you not the daughter of a portrait photographer that has been subjected to the lens endlessly since the moment she popped out of the womb? Well, blah...I guess I'll have to deal with it seeing as it's the only picture I took that captures my entire outfit, and that's really all these posts are supposed to be about anyhow. Sometimes this whole fashion blogging thing still embarasses me. I don't know a lot of teenagers that go outside everyday to take a picture of their clothes. In fact, we have this French assignment where we need a picture of our favorite outfit and describe it, and my teacher told the class that she would allow them to go on facebook in the computer lab in order to find a picture of themselves wearing it. Well....it's probably going to be a whole hell of a lot easier for me to obtain one, eh? I'm still weary of the neighbors when taking these pictures. I know it kinda goes against my whole "don't give a shit" thing that I try and pretend about my personality, but SERIOUSLY I'M FRICKING TAKING PICTURES OF MYSELF.  For instance, during today's photoshoot the neighbor lady went outside today to call her dogs in, and I immediately dropped to the ground and pretend to be entranced by a leaf. Sad, I know. Maybe one day I'll come to accept the fact that I'm conceited, but for now we'll just let me be a science nerd.

Anywho, on to the outfit. This amazing hippie tank dress was thrifted at Goodwill on my last shopping excursion and sums up everything I'm feeling about life at the moment. I had at least three people at school today tell me that they had one like it, my friend Rupa even made a point of mentioning hers was tie-dyed. Awesomeness to the max. I looked at the tag and it's all in Spanish, probably a souvenier from somebody's trip to Mexico. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S MINE NOW AND I'VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY SO NOW IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE. I paired it with some simple accessories to highlight its magnificence, and as always my trusty pink Betsey Johnson jelly sandals from Value Village. I s'pose it's getting a bit chilly to continue dressing like my inner flower child, but as they often say, we Minnesota girls are tough.

Oh yes! I also finished the painting I was doing to enter in my local library's annual teen art contest:

Feedback?? I'm entering this along with a drawing I had on display at the Minneapolis Institute of Art's "Foot in the Door" exhibit last year. My theme is peacocks!

Guys, I really want a haircut. Something like a shaggy pixie cut. I've been growing my hair out since I started high school, but it's never been past my shoulderblades. Ever. Of course, last year I was like "Oh I'll grow my hair out so I can look like the Native American girl that I am. I'll admit, I really like how it looks in that one picture up there where I'm making a peace sign, but honestly I can never seem to let it get long because I just get sick of it and end up cutting it. The last time it was super short was when I was a "scene" kid and had that crazy teased hairstyle, soooo let's just say I'm past that era of my life. To be honest, I'm really afraid I'm gonna come out looking like I did when I cut my hair really short in eighth grade. That school picture is far too horrendous to ever see the light of day, it's trapped between the dusty yearbook pages on a forgotten bookshelf where it belongs. I'm most afraid, though, that it'll hurt my chances of getting cast in upcoming productions (such as the One Act! auditions are tomorrow betches! Wish me a broken leg!). Unfortunately, as an actress, it's expected that you look universal. Oh well. I'll let it be for now, we'll see what I decide in the months to come.

I guess it's about time to quite ignoring my homework, but I'll leave you with an adorable picture of my dog, solely for your viewing pleasure: