Tank dress: thrifted, Beret: H&M, Scarf: gift from my dad, Jeggings: H&M, Betsey Johnson jelly sandals: thrifted

I'm going to go right ahead and ask my digital self what the hell I'm doing in the first picture...seriously Charlie?! Are you not the daughter of a portrait photographer that has been subjected to the lens endlessly since the moment she popped out of the womb? Well, blah...I guess I'll have to deal with it seeing as it's the only picture I took that captures my entire outfit, and that's really all these posts are supposed to be about anyhow. Sometimes this whole fashion blogging thing still embarasses me. I don't know a lot of teenagers that go outside everyday to take a picture of their clothes. In fact, we have this French assignment where we need a picture of our favorite outfit and describe it, and my teacher told the class that she would allow them to go on facebook in the computer lab in order to find a picture of themselves wearing it. Well....it's probably going to be a whole hell of a lot easier for me to obtain one, eh? I'm still weary of the neighbors when taking these pictures. I know it kinda goes against my whole "don't give a shit" thing that I try and pretend about my personality, but SERIOUSLY I'M FRICKING TAKING PICTURES OF MYSELF. For instance, during today's photoshoot the neighbor lady went outside today to call her dogs in, and I immediately dropped to the ground and pretend to be entranced by a leaf. Sad, I know. Maybe one day I'll come to accept the fact that I'm conceited, but for now we'll just let me be a science nerd.
Anywho, on to the outfit. This amazing hippie tank dress was thrifted at Goodwill on my last shopping excursion and sums up everything I'm feeling about life at the moment. I had at least three people at school today tell me that they had one like it, my friend Rupa even made a point of mentioning hers was tie-dyed. Awesomeness to the max. I looked at the tag and it's all in Spanish, probably a souvenier from somebody's trip to Mexico. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S MINE NOW AND I'VE NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY SO NOW IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE. I paired it with some simple accessories to highlight its magnificence, and as always my trusty pink Betsey Johnson jelly sandals from Value Village. I s'pose it's getting a bit chilly to continue dressing like my inner flower child, but as they often say, we Minnesota girls are tough.
Oh yes! I also finished the painting I was doing to enter in my local library's annual teen art contest:
Feedback?? I'm entering this along with a drawing I had on display at the Minneapolis Institute of Art's "Foot in the Door" exhibit last year. My theme is peacocks!
Guys, I really want a haircut. Something like a shaggy pixie cut. I've been growing my hair out since I started high school, but it's never been past my shoulderblades. Ever. Of course, last year I was like "Oh I'll grow my hair out so I can look like the Native American girl that I am. I'll admit, I really like how it looks in that one picture up there where I'm making a peace sign, but honestly I can never seem to let it get long because I just get sick of it and end up cutting it. The last time it was super short was when I was a "scene" kid and had that crazy teased hairstyle, soooo let's just say I'm past that era of my life. To be honest, I'm really afraid I'm gonna come out looking like I did when I cut my hair really short in eighth grade. That school picture is far too horrendous to ever see the light of day, it's trapped between the dusty yearbook pages on a forgotten bookshelf where it belongs. I'm most afraid, though, that it'll hurt my chances of getting cast in upcoming productions (such as the One Act! auditions are tomorrow betches! Wish me a broken leg!). Unfortunately, as an actress, it's expected that you look universal. Oh well. I'll let it be for now, we'll see what I decide in the months to come.
I guess it's about time to quite ignoring my homework, but I'll leave you with an adorable picture of my dog, solely for your viewing pleasure: