Of course its partly the high school show tunes that get me (I own the first two soundtrack albums), but also the humor! With characters like Sue and Brittney its nonstop clever lines that have me laughing until tears are streaming down my cheeks. The story also deals with the ordinary dramas of high school and teenage-dom (which I obviously can relate to) in a funny, exaggerated way. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend getting caught up online and then entering the cult of gleekage. You'll find it rather enjoyable, and maybe even be inspired to belt out your favorite old-school song onstage or (if you're a lucky one) join your school's glee club. I could go on about the story, but one thing I'd really like to showcase is the FASHION! From the funky-preppy wardrobe of the lovable gay Kurt to the gothic vampire princess styles of the shy girl Tina, Glee is chock full of interesting clothes. See for yourself:
And of course we mustn't forget the Lady Gaga episode! This pop goddess is one of my favorite style icons. Here are some of her gleeked up outfits:
Stylish inspiration for any time of person runs wild on that show. Another reason for you fashionistas to get into it! ;)
Oh yea, I also made a banner for my blog seeing as the generic header I had going for me before was, well, generic. Not to mention boring. Here's the new one (if you can't for some reason see the top of the blog?):
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