No, I'm not cutting class to sneak down to the computer lab and update my blog. I am, however, home sick. That part I don't mind so much, it's nice to have a chance to laze around on the couch once in awhile. The part that really gets me was that the day I had to come down with a fever, the only day of the year thus far, was FIFTIES DAY at school. I had on my cutest A-line summer dress, a belt as wide as the Golden Gate bridge, my hair curled to no end, and was just about to slick on my cherry-red lipstick when wouldn't you know? I collapse with a migraine and start vomiting all over the place. I had to reassure my mom that "no, I was not drinking last night," brush out my curls (the saddest part), and hop in the bathtub. Oh, and miss the 8:00 bell of course. But that was a given ;) Anyway, to cure my boredom and please the general public, I'm here to blog. And post a stupid picture that cracks me up every time I see it.

Oh yeah, and here's a nice fashion quote straight from my personal life: "CHARLIEEEE are you wearing a tube top around your waist again?!"
That will be all.
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