Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fair Isle>Denim

Fair Isle Sweater: thrifted, Beret: H&M, Jeans: H&M, Combat Boots: thrifted

This week is Fire and Ice Spirit Week at our school, and the senior board that decides the dress-up days must lack some severe creativity genes because guess what today was? DENIM DAY. Fun right? Wear some jeans, and if you're feeling extra adventurous maybe throw in a nice denim jacket. So I wore some jeans, yes, as the rest of the student body and I have a tendency to do 4/5 days a week. But I also threw on this amazing Fair Isle sweater that I thrifted at Value Village on a recent excursion, because I was feeling extra rebellious. But nobody can say I don't have school spirit, because, alas, I am wearing denim on my legs! The best of both worlds, not to mention I was insanely warm in my subzero classrooms. So yep. Oh yeah, and sorry for not posting any outfits in over a month. I haven't been dressing too well due to stress and, well, general high school student laziness. Hopefully I'll be inspired to get back into my usual routine. I haven't been totally consumed by school though, I've had some time to let my artistic nature shine:

Some recent paintings, I got a lot of new colors for Christmas and have been having lots of fun with them.

Oh yes, and don't forget to keep checking out and following my Tumblr


  1. I like your zebra painting! keep painting.

    yeah, but I'm just blind with Etsy or others :(
    maybe one day. who knows :)
    Thanks for your support! It means a lot for me :)

  2. Ah! nice painting, you are good!! I like your sweater, do you ever go to the value village in richfield? (it is secretly the BEST thrift store ever). <333

    1. AHAHAHA YES! I LIVE IN RICHFIELD ;DDD (but shhhhh don't tell anybody I'm afraid of internet creepers)

  3. EXCELLENT paintings, damn, you have talent. Haha dress up in jeans day? What the shit!

  4. Very cool sweater!I love the zebra painting, the colors are so vibrating!


  5. beautiful outfit!!!amazing blog!! i'm following you!!if you like mine,do the same!!!
    Freaky Friday

    Freaky Friday FB FanPage

  6. Hey! I saw your comment on Isabel of Hipster Musings Vote for Pedro blog post. If you're interested in purchasing on of my teen angst t-shirts, I'd be honored to make you one just go here http://theemmaedition.bigcartel.com

  7. Like your sweater ! And I'm also always drawing peace and love signs in my arms ! Yeah for your paintings !! I like the zebra one !! Rock on ! kiss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
