Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stupid Photos taken on my iPod touch

Well I haven't blogged in over a month, partially due to business with finals and partially due to theatre, but mostly due to sheer laziness. I apologize for that. Well here I am again, and completely lacking in the "stuff to talk about" section. So to get back into blogging I'm going to begin a new column, by the name of "Stupid photos taken on my iPod touch" (because I received a touch for Christmas and have taken many stupid photos with it). This column will feature any stupid photos I have taken with my iPod, and will be used when I have absolutely nothing else to discuss. So here it is, the first ever feature:

And I got a tumblr y'aaalll!!! Come check me out: 
Don't forget to follow too!
Adios muchachos.


  1. hahaha spontaneous photos! I love that!!! hahaha

    Have a wonderfull weekend,
