Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sundays Suck

I think the beauty of Minnesota weather is that it never fails to defy everybody's wishes. Last spring, when we all hopelessly prayed for spring to conquer the endless winter, it didn't get warm until, oh, maybe end of May? And now, when we all want to cuddle up in our glorious layers and welcome fall with open arms, it remains an unwavering 80 degrees every day. I always use summer as an excuse to completely slack off in the fashion department, but now I really AM ready to get back into dressing better. I guess I know I can always count on a painfully long winter to make me crave spring again, so I'll be patient for the time being. And I also can count on the spell check on my father's iPad to let me slack off even more (before getting down and dirty with my English homework, of course. Oh man. That sounded awful. Sorry. Even though you know I'm not actually sorry)

This post was more of a talker one, but somehow they never really feel complete without images of some sort, so I'm going to scour my facebook page for pictures to commemorate my start of school.

Here's one of my best friends, Lee, wearing my favorite giant bow

And Maddie

......and Nayib

Although it took efforts such as these to get it onto his head

Oh yeah, I've also been working on my "Dreamcave" (a cool way of saying tiny teen girl basement bedroom) because I needed a change and I just bought a really cool wall clock on Etsy. No internet fellow can see it until it's actually done, but I will post a photo of this:

This is my nightstand, aka shelf that is functioning as a nightstand because my room is the size of a pocky box.
It's probably my favorite part of the room.
The little clock guy is Mitsubishi. Like a baby, he does not sleep through the night.
I also have some Gothic and Lolita Bibles, an awesome vintage Wonder Woman book, novels like Jane Eyre, Pet Semetary, and other random things to read, a little Neopets Aisha doll, a tray with some spiritual objects, stress relieving pillow mist, and a far too normal looking picture of Sam and me at prom. You can also see some pendants hanging down from the shelf above, which prompts me to also post a picture of the "Spiritual Shelf"

I have some books, my tarot cards, candles that I never burn in there, a voodoo doll from New Orleans, orbs, and a mini buddha statue

I guess the insane length of this so-called "mostly talker post" is due mainly to my Sunday boredom blahs (and the complete desire to avoid homework), but hey, it's been awhile

My lazy, entirely Target ensemble, and yes I know I wear the Beatles shirt waaaaay too often in these photos. Maybe there's just something about wearing such an uplifting band over your heart that uplifts your spirit as well. We'll never know.
I got a haircut as well, if you can't tell
(uh oh! Look! I lied! You get a little sneak peek of my room!)

I guess that's all for now.

Oh but P.S. I've been completely addicted to reading every single one of Isabel Slone's fabulous posts over at Hipster Musings? Check her out if you get the chance! (she's like me only older, better, and more fashionable)

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