Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Way of the Weird

So I haven't gotten that tripod set up yet.

This is what I wore on Friday, as it was Spirit Week and that day's theme was "Super Fly Friday"
Yeaaaahhh......about that title.....

The obnoxious Marilyn Monroe t-shirt is about 3 sizes too big for me and tied up in the back, but it was on the clearance rack at Target and simply too cool to pass up. At least two of my friends said that they were going to go out and buy one too.

Hair clip: gift, necklace: Ebay, T-shirt and skirt: Target, Leggings: Old Navy, Shoes: Converse

Speaking of Spirit Week, I as ever the spirited high school girl attended the Homecoming dance last night. Super-awesome pictures soon to come.

On an unrelated yet wonderful note, I am in yet another play: my school's rendition of The Adding Machine by Elmer Rice. Take a look at some production photos from other theaters:

My character unfortunately is not pictured in any of these photos. She goes by the name of Judy O'Grady, and is a wild, funny, eccentric 1940's Southern prostitute. Yup. That's me. The sci-fi hooker. I am beyond excited to have this role. The play itself takes place in a sort of post-apocalyptic 1940's dystopian society, and follows the life of the miserable Mr. Zero in his unhappy marriage and boring job that he's fired from after holding it for 25 years. Essentially, it's a sci-fi dark comedy about a guy whose life sucks. But many other things happen too. If you ever get a chance to see it, I would recommend it highly. It's a fascinating expressionist piece, and if done right, will be very entertaining.

Since I've picked up the habit of skipping from topic to topic, one of my honors English assignments was to create a poster of yourself reading your favorite book. This was my photo:

Embrace the Weird.

Speaking of weird, Arabelle of Fashion Pirate posted a picture of herself wearing THESE shoes:


And that will be all.

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question,
    I play Magical Melody and A Wonderful Life, the first edition, not that messed up crap where they change everything around so you can play as a girl. But I've been looking for Island Of Happiness but I can't find it, not even at Gamestop! *runs around in circles*
