Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Weather Outside is Frightful

There's something about winter that always manages to break my creative shield and flip on the "fashion laziness" switch at the center of my brain. Until I have a collection of gem sweaters that measures up next to Leslie Hall's, I just don't know if I'll be able to post outfits on a regular basis (I suppose this year AP World History had a big hand in flipping that switch too). Maybe Christmas will stock me up again and keep me inspired! Until then, though, I'll keep you entertained with fun things about my actual life outside of fashion (except my life is BORING. BLAAAAH). Well if you haven't gathered it from the title, it's getting cold up here. Last winter didn't end til, oh, May? Yep. Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Lakes, my friends, where the lakes are frozen over more often than not. I got up reeeeaaaally early this morning too, because I'm a nerd and wanted to see the partial lunar eclipse (once again, just partial because I live in the great American ice cap). Anywho, now I'm awake, and, in my humble opinion, long overdue for a blog post. My friends and I made the courageous (and perhaps controversial) decision to actually make an effort to ENJOY the snow this year, opposed to sitting inside complaining about it as with year's past. Here's a photoshoot from our first night in Winter Wonderland! Luckily, Maddie has this awesome waterproof digital camera. Raymond and Aleah walked all the way to my house while the snow was still coming down, and since they're both not an inch over 5 feet, I made the decision that they looked like Christmas elves when they walked up to my door :D

Also, if you're familiar with B-movie horror (I consider myself an expert on the subject at this point), I'm sure you'd be familiar with the movie Frozen. Seeing as it was pretty frozen up in this joint as well, we decided to remake the movie! Unfortunately we didn't have access to a chairlift, but we made do

On another note, I'm entering the Fashion Turd's birthday giveaway, so here's my link to the post: Birthday Giveaway Post

Also, I got PLANT #2 in the mail yesterday and I absolutely devoured it! Thanks Isabel!



  1. Ok so now that's FUN ! I wanna have fun in the snow with you and hang ou ! Xma's is coming ! Oh my ! I have to post! Anyway Rock on !

  2. haha! very funny photos :) love them

