Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I need to buy some new fashion reading material, I'm unable to read blogs in class

I'd like to say I've always been the creative type. I also have always been the type to enjoy pouring my heart into the ears of other people. Well, I guess in this case, the eyes. Making websites and blogs has always been a fun outlet of expression for me, and I hope to continue to keep up this blog as long as I'm still dressing weird and kickin' up words. Lately, though, I've been slightly stressed over HoneyDew. It doesn't feel like the layout really suits my rapidly changing personality anymore, and if I'm being represented online by this thing I want it to 100% represent who I am. That being said, I whipped up a few new logos on Photoshop recently and when I get the time (blah it's soooooo hard with theatre and school!) I'll hopefully be able to remodel! Let me know if you have any ideas that you think would be cool for me to try. Oh, also, I'm ashamed to say that I'm caving in and conforming to the blogosphere. Yes, that's right, after being completely and utterly obsessed with scanning through Tumblrs and saving every picture I find appealing, I hope to be creating one of those soon too. Agh!! Look at me! Soon I'll have a Twitter too! No......willpower.......I'll just keep telling myself that I need way more than 160 characters to express my thoughts. (Thank you, Blogger, for giving me limitless power!! MWAHAHAHA!!!)

Anywho, pictures!

Considering that as of right now 4/5 days of my school week I leave when it's still dark and get home when it's dark, you may regrettably be getting quite a few mirror pictures. (Explanation: I'm too much of a chicken to take them at school and there's no good place in my house to set up a tripod) Oh well, it's the clothes that count, right?

Dress: Delia's, Top: H&M, Black skirt: thrifted, Hair clip: gift, Scarf: gift from my dad, Necklace: Etsy, Combat boots: thrifted

 (Hahahahahaha I asked my mom to take this picture in the morning before I went to school. It's tiny and the flash lets you see right through my shirt to the dress underneath. Oh well, thought I may as well include it!)


  1. LOL you fashion sense is CRAZY I love looking at your blog all the time xD Love the dress btw, I can thik of a couple shirts to go with it haha. Keep blogging! Keep expressing yourself!!

  2. I completely understand about not having enough room on those websites Teo write stuff. It's like "excuse me, I have wicked stuff to say and you're not letting me." I think remodeling will be awesome. I like your skirt.
    The end

  3. yeb Layout change..And I'll follow you on twitter and TUMBLRE (do one !!!) Cute necklace And I just smiled to the WHO COULD RESIST THIS FACE on your sidebar ! kiss

  4. Those ripped up shoulders are awesome! I couldn't relate more to this post. I get obsessed over things that represent my visual ideas. I used to stress like crazy over my blog, but then I decided that as long as I keep it going, it will always get better and look more like I want it to and there's no shame in it being a process. ;) That being said, though, I love your style and can't wait to see what you come up with. :)

  5. Love your skirt... I like the way you dress...
    http://www.simplifiedblogging.com/ is having this writing contest where you can win a full blog make over... Just a thought...



  6. Lovely outfit!I like it!
    Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!

    Cosa mi metto???

  7. Awww so cute! ^^ I love your style :) following!
