Saturday, November 26, 2011

This Post Has No Purpose

Apologies for going M.I.A. as of recently. Winter hit here for a few days, then disappeared. Other than that, though, I had a swell thanksgiving complete with too much pie and me whining about not having anybody to take me Black Friday shopping at H&M. Unfortunately, because of Thanksgiving break, I've been rather slacking on my outfits so I've got nothing for you guys right now. Actually, despite what the title says, this post DOES have a purpose. That purpose being that I realized today that I hadn't yet claimed my blog on Bloglovin' and decided that I should probably get on that and hopefully get some followers on there as well. Alright, here goes:

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Hurray! Now will it work? I guess we'll have to wait to find out. Seeing as this post was rather boring and purposeless(again, there I go saying it has no purpose!) I would hate for someone to think it's part of my usual work.'s some music!

Oh yeah, I also saw the Descendants yesterday!
It was like a personal soul quest for me within a film.
Go see it.

Bye now.

I'll post more fashion soon.



  1. I have always wanted to see the Descendants. Glad to hear it was good!!

  2. Oh it was fantastic! Definitely would recommend it

  3. Nooooooo....why Malaysia no showing the descendants?? XD
    Ah well, maybe it's a bit late *crosses fingers* I still can't get over the fact that your teachers allow iPods during exams! Mine don't even allow pencil cases. Or water bottles.

    This sucks

  4. :) Thanks for stopping by!

    (Following you now via Bloglovin'!)

    xx indie by heart
