Monday, November 14, 2011

The greatest crazies are the ones around you

Yesterday, I finally got downtown to check out an art exhibit I've been wanting to see since I read about it in the local newspaper: the St. Paul College of Visual Arts was displaying a compilation of the works of Minnesota women in the field of graphic design and advertising. Being a female arteest myself, I simply had to go take a peak. Unfortunately, the exhibit ended yesterday, or I would urge all you locals to go have a look. But here are some pictures, almost as good as the real thing!

The pictures took about two hours to upload, hopefully they were worth it.
Now time to tackle my miserably complex French homework.
Also, after all this hype about the Hunger Games I've finally decided to check out the series for myself.
I have book ADD though. So we'll see how it goes.


  1. Haha, I'm taking French too! Maybe we can practice French with each other! :D

  2. hey i really love the "will the real savage please stand up?" (=

  3. this looks great! i wanna learn french

  4. looks cool, I always feel so intelligent when i go to exhibitions:) I like the writing in the first picture.
    French confuses me.
    Aurevior, Carla

  5. Looked like an amazing exhibiiton! Wish i could've gone :D

  6. baha, I love the title of your blog - very true. I LOVE checking out exhibitions! Looks ilke a fabbbulous one. Thanks for sharing photos! Even if it took you TWO hours! Hahah (ZOMG THATZ INSANNNEEE. Dedication! Bam!)

  7. That first quote is brilliant! I think I need to go to more exhibitions (as in, I've only been to one). I see photos all over Blogger/Tumblr and it's like endless inspiration. This looks awesome. :)
