Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dear Goddess of Wisdom Please Tell Charlie To Write

So the funny thing is that despite all this hype about making New Year's resolutions (and keeping them), I haven't been able to keep one simple promise to myself. My mind is a storage closet of various energy and random clumps of thoughts, and if I don't have a means of expressing them then I'm, to put it simply, DOOMED. My dream to become a successful writer looms in the distance like the North Star and I ever so slowly sail my ship toward it. Did I mention that the ship is glittery and adorned with bows? But enough of that, my point is that I need to follow my own advice and write one poem a day every day. I've come to admire the complex simplicity that exists within the haiku style of poetry. 5-7-5. Is that so hard to do, Charlie? Perhaps you should do one right this very minute to remind yourself.

Charlie roams astray
Forgetting things so simple
Like writing haiku

Well now, two birds with one stone. I've fulfilled my requirement for today. Now only a lifetime more to go.....

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