Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm a Hipster, and I'm Musing

(The title was a total Isabel Slone reference if you didn't pick up on it)

I had a couple outfit photos from the past few days that I regrettably am just now getting around to posting......

Monday's outfit:

Beret and jeggings: H&M, shirt and cardigan: Target, shoes: Heartbreaker

Today's outfit:

Beret: my childhood dress-up box, scarf and sandals: thrifted, shirt: Ragstock, cardigan: Target, jeans: H&M, suspenders: Hot Topic

My sincerest apologies for the double outfit post, but I've found it has become increasingly harder to update my blog regularly. I've been trying harder to photograph my outfits and post them on a day-to-day basis, but it has become much more difficult, what with theater, and the fact that I am currently managing to take seven classes a day, the latter including: College Prep Chemistry, Advanced Placement World History (which is essentially a college class), Advanced Algebra, French 2, Honors English, and two band classes, one of which begins at 7 AM. I am now relying solely on coffee and Sudafed to keep me alive, but I promise to keep the whining on the D.L. and continue to try my best.

On a happier note, I was talking with my dear friend Olivia yesterday (one of my favorite fashionistas, I daresay) and I seemed to get her hooked on the idea of starting her own fashion blog, which may or may not function as a sort of sister blog to HoneyDew. We would collaborate on our outfit photography, meaning I would finally be able to do away with the dreadful mirror shots (assuming I don't scavenge up a tripod by then), and also collaborate on our shoes collections, now that we've discovered we have have the exact same size feet. More updates on that in the near future, and also my homecoming pictures are soon to come (haha, funny on my part...kind of a pun there.....don't get it? oh....okay...) Stay tuned, if you dare, but for now have yourself a goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the coffee... Before I moved I was in advanced/gifted EVERYTHING, photography, Tech Ed, Spanish, Italian, and I was going for Drama Club...
    And Severus is SO mine ;D Lawl
