Wednesday, September 28, 2011

When I grow up, I wanna be Jess from New Girl

If you haven't been following the new comedy New Girl yet, I would highly recommend doing so. The main character is a quirky and supremely awkward girl named Jess (with her own self-written theme song) and an adorable sense of style. She completely reminds me of myself (probably because of the fact that Dirty Dancing is her favorite romance) and shows me that I can still be cool and weird when I get older and get a job. I know you're all gonna go out and watch the first two episodes now, so I will say no more.

On an entirely unrelated note, I saw someone wearing these at the Rennaisance Festival the other day and I kinda freaked out:

I truly don't understand the appeal of Uggs. They're kinda warm and comfy, and they look pretty good with leg warmers. But with swearpants or jeans tucked in?

These ones, however, are shiny and covered in sequins. Meaning that if I were to find a cheap knockoff pair they would probably become a new edition to my wardrobe.

They're just SO SHINY.

And I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore anything with Zooey Deshcanel :)
