Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Glee Started Last Night

I'm sure you know already, but if you don't, the title says it all. Yes!! My favorite show is back!! I'm ready to be inspired to no avail. If you haven't submitted to Gleeklihood yet, I'd advise you to start now....or forever hold your peace. Speaking of TV shows though, all of my other favorites are back on as well: Castle, Raising Hope, and the Middle and Modern Family start tonight!! Also, I discovered a new show that was on after Glee and I couldn't help but subscribing to it through Tivo. It's called New Girl and I absolutely, positively relate to it in every single aspect. Check it out, if you dare.

Oh, happy news! I found my mother's tripod this morning, meaning that starting tomorrow I will do my best to take some high-quality outfit photos (that is, if I can manage it before 7 AM band class starts). I was unable to start with it this morning, unfortunately, on account of my finding it just before walking out the door. I've yet to formulate a plan, I suppose you'll just have to wait and see. But now, without further ado, outfit:

Plaid button-up: Kohl's (boys section), Yellow tank top: Target, Robot necklace: Etsy, Jeans: H&M, Shoes: Converse

I suppose I'm still in that phase of what they would call a "budding" fashion blogger, meaning my first year or so of figuring things out (*cough* sucking *cough*) and having next to no readers. That's my excuse to try out new styles I guess (of blogging, I meant, but clothes too) so I'm gunna keep playing around with some of the things I do, and hopefully find some stuff I like! But that's the general rule of life, isn't it? The more you learn, the more you grow.



  1. I love that blazer! Yes, I agree that the more you learn, the more you grow:-)

  2. Thank you!! :) it's from the boys section at Kohl's...i think it was on sale?? lol
